(2 out of 5 stars)*
Okay, first things first. Witch Song is harmless, predictable YA fun. If you want to invest in it to take your mind off things, do. The writing is decent and the world not unlikable. Please ignore the rest of my review.
Now, for readers that might be looking for a serious plot and plausible character development, be advised:
1) The only way your heroine can have such low self-esteem is if her mother kept her in a burlap sack and beat her with a stick every day. A large, mean stick. Which is not the case, as her mother dotes on her.
2) Why on earth why would a dark witch wreck utter havoc with the seasons and the planet in general? She has nothing to gain out of it, and in the long run, it will be like shooting her own leg.
3) You do realise that in a battle between mortals and witches the witches win every time, or they can just escape, right?
4) Nope, a girl with such low self-esteem does not suddenly develop awesome leadership skills. Witches are not an exception to that.
5) A book can be complete even if there is no romance in it. In fact, wonder of wonders, a book can be complete even if your heroine does not get engaged to anyone at the end, or in any part of it.
6) Deus ex machina must be used sparingly and ideally, not at all. If you write yourself into a corner and can’t think of a way out, squeeze dem brain cells.
7) Oh yes, it is a series. Naturally. Because every single book has to belong to a series nowadays.
8) Personal pet peeve. Why name your main character Brusenna? Because it has such a good ring to it? Let me think of words that begin with “bru”: Brutus, brutal, brouhaha, brunt, bruise, brusque, brute… Melodic no doubt, and all those positive connotations. It was a natural winner. Not.
You can find Witch Song here.
YA books are my bane… Over and out.
I am wondering to myself just how many click throughs the book received as a result of your glowing review. A few for the sake of curiosity I suppose. I adore your comments # 4, 5, and 6. That’s great work and I “followed” you on goodreads as a result.